Been playing around with the civ creator lately and just wanted to post some fun, "broken" civ builds i've come up with that should be able to give the mimots a run for their money... feel free to post any fun ones you've come up with so far too!
1.The Stalagmighty Empire. -onyx silicon-based citizens. promethion and Archeologist abilities, with the starting system of the onyx so they'll get all those asteroids being mined for 1.1 each. that's like +16.5 production right in the starting system. onyx commander ships for the promethion heals, creativity ideology to help mining and let them get more promethion and weapons of war, and have them start on a low gravity world to boost up all that asteroid mining by 20%
2. The Dragons (i'll come up with a better name). drath based. war profiteer and proliferation abilities. keeping with the drath war profiteer swarm tactic, i gave these guys the best combo i could think of to help offset the low growth rate. with commander ships that boost all ships in the fleet, these guys are designed to attack fast and attack hard, duplicating each ship they build and having all ships get +25hp. authority ideology to give them extra little fighters to get that hp bump too.
3. The Ents. baratak based. spore and archeologist abilities. get lots of good planets and lots from asteroids. combined with the commander ships that all give a culture point when u get them, so that'll activate the spore ability, which is doubled by the archeologist ability. focus them to get as much growth rate as possible to take advantage of all the great worlds they'll be able to bring to life.
4. The Bugs. Festron based, aquatic. Hive mind and paranoid abilities. pragmatism ideology and defensive commander ships to take full advantage of all the defense bonuses this civ gets from being in their own territory (+1hp for each ship per colony from hive mind, +25%hp from paranoid, -25%hp to enemies from pragmatism). designed to be best defensively and focus on boosting up their own civ and defensively swarming anyone trying to attack them. this civ will be better the bigger the map and more worlds too, since they grow in hp from each colony you have. I think that this will be a very good one for the AI to use too because it doesnt require fancy tactics... when it starts getting beat it retreats into it's own territory naturally, making it's defensive bonuses automatically click in. this civ should also be a little better too i think once influence gets a little better.
havent actually tried all these out much, just ideas for fun atm. something to put in a game with the mimots and other best races to see how they do hope you all enjoy!