Below is a short list of things to try if you are having technical issues with installing or running Legendary Heroes. If your issues is related to gameplay, items in the game, or any other non-technical issue, please use the LH forums as your question has likely been addressed in existing posts:
-Please ensure you are using the latest non-Beta driver from your graphics card manufacturer.
To check that your drivers are current, please use one of the links below for your video card:
For laptops, please note that you may have more than one video card (Intel + another brand) so be sure to update both if that is the case.
-Try deleting the game prefs:
Delete the prefs.ini file from the respective Stardock game folder located here and try to run the game again.
C:\Users\YourWindowsAccountName\Documents\My Games\legendaryheroes
-Try removing the game entirely from Steam (if you have the Steam version) and reinstalling:
- Right click the game in question and select, Delete local content...:
- You will be prompted to delete the game(Dead Man's Draw is just an example):
- Then reinstall the game to see if that has fixed the issue you're having.