1) What is the difference between Speaker and Listener for my custom race.
Listener is when you are playing the faction, and speaker is when you encounter them and they are talking to you.
*If anyone is wondering if you click the speaker tab it switches to listener in the civ designer.
2) Why when you click the next button in the civ designer are there two next options to assign?
When does the second next option become used? Is it for the listener?
3) Are custom dialogue entries like this link still valid? I assume they need to be entered before generic greeting dialogue with a combined total of 100 weight for that species.
4) When are
Used for example instead of DECLARE_WAR_MAIN, this will help me decipher the rest of the dialogue file.
5) Dialogue weight is preference not a random chance correct?
Is there anyway to introduce a random chance between two dialogue options, to give more variety in interactions.
Many thanks.