Island Dog has been providing links to coverage of the official announcement in a few different threads. I thought I'd start a collection of all the sites dedicating some media attention to covering the announcement. Don't know if this is sticky/pin worthy but feel free to if you think so.
Figured something like this might be worth having so that people here on the forum could have a quick reference to all of the other major (and some not so major) sites talking about Star Control Origins now that it has been officially unveiled.
Most sites are just repeating the same talking points, of course, but I made this list primarily to have links to the social media discussion and comment sections at the bottom of the articles which provide some community insight (for better or for worse) that the articles don't always capture on their own.
Ars Technica
PC Gamer
US Gamer
Den of Geek
Warner Music Group
PC Invasion
Worth Playing
Venture Beat