If you are going to use the replace method, first and for most make copys of the StarDefs.xml, StarSystemsDefs.xml, PlanetDefs.xml & PlanetArtDefs.xml and place them in the ExampleMod/Game folder located in ...Documents/My Games/GalCiv3/Mods. You will then add the below code to the top of each file.
If you are going to do the append method you will need to create four new xml documents and name them however you wish, it is however common practice to keep your files similar to how SD do thier's, eg :- MyMod_StarDefs.xml. You will then have to place these in the ExampleMod folder (or create you own) and place the below code in the corresponding files.
First you need to make a Star (Append Method):-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!--Fixed System Stars-->
First you need to make a Star (Replace Method):-
<!--Fixed System Stars-->
(I dont need and Star Art defines as I used exiting art defines)
Then you need to make some planets (Append Method):-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
Then you need to make some planets (Replace Method):-
Now ya need to make some Art Defines for said planets, I used existing Art for Earth, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter so I only need some Venus Art (Append Method):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- Created with the Gal Civ 3 Editor -->
<!-- PlanetArtDefs.xml -->
Now ya need to make some Art Defines for said planets, I used existing Art for Earth, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter so I only need some Venus Art (Replace Method):
Now we need to make the System (Append Method):-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- Created with the Gal Civ 3 Editor -->
<!-- System Group -->
Now we need to make the System (Replace Method):-
What is highlighted in red is a custom Group Name, now this will only work for a Faction made via XML as this system will not show up in the ingame faction editor because I did not use the default Group Name: FactionStart. That requires you to add your system to the vanilla StarSystemDefs.xml and include this file in your mod. I did it this way so I can change the Global Define that Points at FactionStart to my new Group STFactionMain.
If you decide to just add onto the exiting StarSystemDefs.xml you just need the code starting with: <StarSystemGroup> and ending with: </StarSystemGroup> and everything inbetween.
What is in Purple is the Internal Name of the system we created, this is what you put in the faction xml as the "HomeSystem". You can Just type in your system name and description if you want rather than using Tag's like I did (FedSystem_Name & FedSystem_Dec) that link it to a Text.xml.