After being gifted a copy of Galactic Civilizations III, a contest I entered with sent me an email telling me I won a free Steam Key for the game. I have no way to verify if the key works without invalidating it or adding a second copy to my library because of the way Steam works. I'm pretty sure it's legit, as all you have to do is post the Steam Key into your Steam account. You have nothing to lose. I'd hate to let it go to waste on such an amazing game. If it doesn't work, you have my most sincere apologies in advance for not being able to validate it ahead of time, but Steam won't allow it without 'using it' on my own account and I already have a copy.
SO..if you're interested in the game and want to try the key you only have to do two things.
- Be the tenth person to post a picture of my buddy 'Zubaz' in this thread and I will message you the key.
- And let us know if the key worked or not
on your mark...
get set...