I once asked about creating a custom/second type of shipyard during one of the dev streams way back & the answer was (iirc) something about how they were thinking about having different types but didn't think there was code to implement it (at least given the forgotten phrasing of my question). I think it had something to do with making a jumpgate
back in gc2, the moving starbases Q would have caused all sorts of problems with how their aoe effect is calculated, calculating it in a way that allowed them to move would have been a huge effort& involve always checking if there was a starbase covering that hexfor any calculation (movement, battles, sensor range, all the planet stuff, diplomacy, influence, etc). while it might be "easier" now with many core processors being more common; I don't think that a couple extra threads wouldn't even begin to cover it & suspect that with hololens & other vr type devices on the near bleeding edge that it would make going from flat 2d maps to multilayer 3d maps a frick'n disaster... of course maybe some of ut could then be offloaded to the gpu then... but using the gpu for calculations & math is wayyy outside my realm of expertise.