I haven't been experiencing this issue, do you have any specifics regarding your situation? Ship? Game type? System specifications?
Playing as humans in the largest galaxy size with tight clusters (I think? That's what I set it as, but it looks more like loose clusters) and all available AIs. 3.5ghz 6-core, 16gb RAM, 64-bit Win7, Geforce GTX 650 TI
I would say if you're able to reproduce the issue and are able to identify by looking at the turn button at the top right of the page that the turn is changing and ship hasn't moved that you would create a support ticket with the saved game file. However, most of the time the issue that you're mentioning I believe is where you have to complete another action prior to the turn actually completing therefore if you notice the turn number at the top of the screen will change if the turn is actually counting.
I did, however, add it to the list.
Hmm. It seems like separate turns because it seems like the AI turns are processed in the meantime, but I didn't think to check the turn number. I'll do that