I am looking for one person to (volunteer to) help with the artwork on a table-top game I am making. You will, obviously, get a mention and be able to place a small signature on all artwork appearing on cards, etc... I have the basic framework down, card layout completed, etc... I also have artwork design ideas, which I will share. I believe we can make a remote relationship work and should this game come together and be salable, I will surely profit share. Failing that, perhaps there could be a Steam game in it for you. Obviously, if I could afford to pay outright, I'd just hire someone 
-Be able to provide an initial (small) portfolio
-Be able to CLEARLY ink sketch fantasy artwork (think AD&D Monster Manual + Munchkin) in a 1.5"x2" space
-Be able to combine the humorous and the gruesome in your artwork
-Be able to work at least 1-2 hours per week and provide a summary by Sunday
-Perhaps be able to use a voice program should we deem it necessary to communicate via said medium
-Be able to have fun collaborating on this project
I am putting this up here, first, before I cross post to Craigs and other places because I like this community and wish to give it a chance.
Thank you,
Mark (EviliroN)