As many of you have pointed out, the forums aren't exactly teaming with people these days, even with all of the recent developer updates. Many people gave up on Elemental, and not many new people are trickling in. I'm sure this will change a bit as we get closer to Fallen Enchantress.
I've been mentioning all of the progress here on some of the forums I visit. Once beta comes out, I'm hoping that I will be able to report that it really is a big improvement over WoM. At some point, either in beta or after release, I plan to do an AAR to showcase the game. I really enjoy reading that kind of thing when it is well written and gets into the gameplay rather than becoming weird gaming fan fiction. That sort of thing can help sell other people on the game - assuming that I myself enjoy it!
I know that there are hordes of gamers out there dying for a good strategy game. I see people talking about it all the time, or complaining the currently available titles. My hope is that FE will be good enough to bring back many of the people that felt burned by WoM and also draw in lots of new people as well. It would be a real shame if FE turns out great, and all that hard work is wasted because people aren't willing to try it after WoM or just aren't aware of it.