Sometimes the forum doesn't load up completely and I get a partial forum.
Sometimes the forum is very slow to load (if at all)
Sometimes the forum doesn't show the General Postings.
Are you guys having these same issues?
What browser/OS are you using? Are there any specific times where the General Postings do not show up or the forums are slow?
Opera 9.6 and the 10 beta build:
Yes, happens often, and I'm on FireFox. Don't recall specific times.
Happens a lot
I get the same with Chrome. This happened around 2:45PM today. Also, sometimes the recently active posts do not show up at all (in any browser)
I lose general forum posts most weekends. They come back sometimes and dissapear again. They are usually stable during the week. I'm using firefox and I can post screenshots if you want, just need to wait for it to happen again.
Happens sometimes.
More often is the case where you click a post to view new replies but it just doesn't show them.
Recently active posts do not appear to be up to date. There is some kind of lag there for me.
The recent posts list is cached and only updates every couple minutes normally, to reduce DB load.
I've had what chubber mentions happen to me too.
Could the people with the page stretch issue do a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) and let me know if it happens again?
I'll be keeping an eye on why the posts are disappearing like that. Database queries and code look ok, I'll be checking the logs more often.
I am get this for the general demigod forum atm 4pm (Australia est +10)
It's doing it again....the General forum has vanished, and I can only see stickies...
Also would it be possible for someone to fix the quote tags? About 20% of the time they aren't registering the close [/quote] and just absorb your whole post.
For anyone having issues with the forums not loading or loading improperly, please go here:
I know what the issue is but unfortunately resolving it will take some time. When I have a few hours free I'll fix it.
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