Please fix this. Here are issues I have noticed in one real game experience example;:
1) Permanent war is broken.
2) AI doesn't have the same war restrictions
The Contaminant declare war on me. Within four turns I have decimated half of their navy. By turn 4 I am invading two of their worlds - they offer a peace treaty. I am never able to initiate a diplomatic dialogue "so soon after declaring war" yet here they are. I refuse. The very next turn they request my surrender. Yeah. Go stuff yourself. The very next turn my two world invasion is over. I go to offer them peace terms - nope. Permanent war. But apparently only for me - because within a few turns they will come requesting a peace treaty - as all other races eventually do.
Here is another example:
The Arceans have declared war on me. I was unprepared and they are going to inflict alot of pain. However the Xeloxi are right next to them and don't seem to care much for them at all, so I recruit the Xeloxi to declare war on the Arceans. Sweet, right?
Nope. Two turns later I notice that the Xeloxi fleets haven't budged. The Arceans are all up in my business. I look in the Diplomacy graph and not only are they not at war - they are *TRADING*!!! WTFF???? THat would mean that in one turn they declared war - had all of their ships moved, then *(in the same turn* negotiated a peace and then moved a freighter from the edge of their territory into an Arcean planet. Are you effing kidding me????
This game has been around long enough that these sort of bugs should not be happening. I have said it many times - every game of GalCiv IV I play there are the ai opponents and the game bug opponents - and the legion of game bugs are the greater challenge.