It would be nice to have two features:
1.- Add the option to invite friends directly to your game without game code.
2.- Add the feature to change map without leaving the current "Host".
Kindda annoying to write code all the time or if for some reason map is no longer the desired one then we have to leave the host and then create again and then share code again, all related.
Another scenario is when my friends come to play 4v4 then another 2 friends want to join game 6v6, we must leave the host and create again, like what???
Bug (Maybe): Most of the time when I select a unit (any movable unit) and do the right click to execute a move command on a location it simply won't work, like there is no right click or camera rotates for no reason (It's not a mouse issue cuz I've tested 3 different atm and issue still present), next I need to left click on space ( nothing ) to de-select the unit, then select again and execute command to make it work.
Warm regards!