Most of the Vasari population reside aboard Jarrasul Evacuator class capital ships, making them vital to the race’s survival. Though the Jarrasul has been modified over the millennia, its key role has never changed. During the empire’s height, the Vasari would rarely establish surface colonies on occupied worlds, preferring instead to rule from orbit in these floating cities.

1 x Light Wave Cannon
4 x Medium Beam Cannons
2 x Point-Defense Pulse Guns
Planetary Bombardment Beam Cannon
Hangar Bay (1-3 squadrons)
Special Abilities
Colonize: Sends administrators, security forces, intelligence exports and other personnel to establish control of a planet. Also provides bonus Mining infrastructure.
Gravity Warhead: Slows the sublight movement of targeted enemy ships and prevents them from phase jumping for a short period of time.
Subspace Rupture: Distorts spacetime within a radius of a targeted enemy, dealing damage over time to enemies within the area of effect. Units affected by Gravity Warhead take additional damage.
Drain Planet: Activates a powerful vortex that sucks resources off a planet, giving metal and crystal to your empire and dealing damage to the planet’s surface.
As with all capital ships, the Jarrasul can also be customized via ship items:
Optional Offensive Upgrades
Nano Attack Swarm (3 uses): A swarm of nanites damage the targeted enemy and then continue to damage it over time.
Beam Modulator: Uses advanced modulation of the ship’s beam cannons to increase damage. Can be set to an ‘active’ state to greatly increase the damage for a time.
Wave Modulator: Modulates wave cannons before firing to maintain a more stable waveform. This both increases wave cannon damage and increases their fire rate.

Optional Defensive Upgrades
Nano Repair Swarm: Nanites repair the hull and armor of the targeted ally unit.
Phase Attenuated Shield: Extends the inner edge of the Jarrasul’s shield into phase space, increasing the speed of shield regeneration. Also provides a large passive bonus to shield burst restore points.
Self-Repairing Armor: Experimental nanites are installed to enable armor regeneration while in combat and to rapidly restore armor capacity in an emergency.
Bomber Armor: With a limited population, keeping bomber pilots alive is a top priority for the Vasari. As such, this upgrade was developed to retrofit each bomber strikecraft with additional armor and armor strength.
Optional Utility Upgrades
Nano Catalyzer Swarm (5 uses): Adds packages of energized nanites that rapidly restore antimatter to the targeted ally unit during combat.
Gravity Stabilizer: An advanced system upgrade that stabilizes and normalizes gravity in the vicinity of the ship, granting it greater speed and maneuverability.
Resonance Amplifier: Adds an onboard system that allows the ship to amplify and extend the duration of Phase Resonance effects.
Antimatter Recharger: Greatly improves the Jarrasul’s antimatter recharge rate.
Deploy Orkulus Starbase (1 use): Prepares an Orkulus starbase build package that can be deployed at foreign gravity wells.
Deploy Phase Gate (1 use): Prepares a permanent Phase Gate build package that can be deployed at foreign gravity wells.
Optional Infrastructure Upgrades
Of course, the Vasari Exodus faction has the ability to return to a fully mobile state once the appropriate technology is unlocked. To maintain a mobile empire, all Exodus capital ships and titans have the option of hosting Infrastructure.
Mobile Exotic Factory: Integrates an Exotic Factory into the Jarrasul, allowing it to forge exotic resources.
Mobile Research Complex: Adds a massive complex of connected research facilities within the Jarrasul, allowing it to coordinate Exodus scientific efforts while on the move.
Mobile Rulership: Moves the capital of the Exodus faction to the Jarrasul. This allows the empire to survive without the need of any planets.
Mobile Fleet Beacon: Allows the Jarrasul to remotely summon all types of ships from the Dark Fleet to its location.
Mobile Resonance Capacitor: Permanently integrates a Phase Resonance capacitor into the Jarrasul, storing it for as long as it survives.