The situation here is unclear. I want to build a mining base. I'm not sure if the two resources are within its borders, even though they appear to be in the hexagonal fields. It would be helpful to have information (for example, where the yellow arrow is drawn) about which resources will be within the mining base boundaries.

Use Icons instead of graphics and all will be revealed.
Seriously when you zoom out that far leaving the objects as graphics will cause recognition problems.
I think the graphic artists did a splendid job however, I play with the maps at 100% icon and never have problems telling if a resource is "in range".
As to your are they in range question, no neither of them are but, if you put the starbase there and research Starbase modules, you will get both as SB range is +1 with that tech.
If you have already researched Modules then you will have to move one space either way.
That last line may be mistaking as I seem to recall that one of the culture perks increases SB range by one or two spaces but do not know for sure.