Hi Dragon,
I am uncertain if you are referring the workshop on our website that allows for uploading and downloading of custom civs: https://www.galciv4.com/mods.
Regardless, the process for downloading user created civilizations and ships differs slightly, depending on whether you are playing the game through Epic or Steam.
If on Steam you have 2 options:
- You can open steam workshop in the steam client itself and subscribe to any of the available content
- You can click either the gear icon on the main game menu OR the "download" button on the civ selection screen, either of which will open the steam workshop in the steam overlay.
- Gear Icon:
- Download button on civ selection screen:
- If on Epic games,, the aforementioned in-game buttons for downloading custom content will open to the GalCiv Website content workshop instead of steam workshop.
- Once on the GalCiv website workshop, you can subscribe to any of the user published content.
I hope this helps and please feel free to follow up with any questions, concerns, or requests,