I'm trying to upgrade starbase stats via research, and I cannot get it to work.
For example, I'm trying to get rid of the Shield/Armor/Hull upgrades II and III to free up more upgrade slots, and then get some of those stats by researching Unbreachable Hull (instead of unlocking the third S/A/H item). Keep some progression instead of just rolling all stats into one upgrade, right?
But nothing I've tried has worked.
I've looked at the shield upgrades for TEC frigates/cruisers as a template, and it SEEMS straight-forward, but I get nothing.
As an example, here's one stat I've added to "trade_starbase.unit":
"unit_modifiers": [
"modifier_type": "max_hull_points",
"value_behavior": "additive",
"values": 4500.0,
"prerequisites": [
If it matters, the stats are between the "unit_modifiers" and "target_filter_unit_type" sections.
Also, for pasting code snippets, what's the best way to do that? I don't know what language it is
I tried using XML but it looked like it removed the formatting?