I had seriously thought that they would eventually refit the Marza with anti-ship torpedo launcher alongside with existing missile or even remove some of it in return..
Like modify its Concussion Launcher to be able to launch a BIG torpedo that split into 6 smaller torpedo specialized for big, slow moving target OR just 1 really BIG torpedo with ultra high explosive blast akin to SINS 1 Ragnarok Explosive Shot but instead of just knockback, it's AoE mid-range ability.
Also just speaking, they would be able to modify their BIG guns to be able to refit capital-grade Railgun alongside with its planetary bombardment cannon although it would have to block the railgun chamber to rotate its bombardment cannon...
Just saying... this ship should also have some decent light Autocannon designed to counter enemy missile & torpedo aimed at them or point-defense laser OR even short-ranged point-defense beam, just speaking...
+ although this kind of refit should be only usable on Rebel side due to their nature in war..
++ For Loyalist side, i would suggest that this ship gain additional autocannon turret or laser turret OR even retrofit its design to increase its mobility like max speed/turn rate/acceleration VIA refit base
This is just my opinion.. No Offense here
Feel free to suggest something interesting