I will limit the following to one disagreeable element of this new Kol design, but I hope the artists will receive better direction in the future.
I don't like the twin autocannon turrets, I suggest another going over of these turret positions (they are bolted on after all), as they don't feel practical in their placement, a few outright getting in the way of each other, and think about the tasks of the weapon systems involved (not just two guns that side, two guns the other, etc). I am somewhat put off by that the turret designs follow the very same layout as large the gauss weaponry (the guns being located at the very edges of the mounting); is there a reason for this (has TEC suddenly changed to using recoilless guns, and so need room for backblast)?
Twin autocannon turrets have not shown up much before these new designs, but I suppose the Dunov BC has one, yet nothing so... delicate, these do not look protected. Autocannons have usually been a singular weapon per turret on TEC vessels, relying on rate of fire (most real life guns can be tuned to have higher rates of fire, but are limited by thermodynamics), and I would suspect, the useful mobility of smaller, compact turrets for ease of targeting; if weight of fire is the primary driver with this design, it sort of makes sense, but it would imply extra sets of ammunition feeds now need to fit in each turret, making it bigger, and now more costly with its loss (the gun barrels are perhaps too big, think about some shell sizes, and then how they move from inside the ship magazine and up into the breech or bolt).
I would expect a more visibly armoured turret mount from TEC ship(I understand the turret design really doesn't give easy answers as to how to armour such a floppy thing), but maybe the argument for them being the way they are is about keeping the turrets agile or high performance and forgoing protection, yet not using the armour of the ship to protect the vitals of a weapon system does not feel particularly TEC (those large hinges are a very critical location that may indeed catch direct enemy fire on the regular, especially given the turrets look like they open up more once they engage targets at high angles). Why did those that be choose the hinged/oscillating turrets, these are not satisfying to look at, and are very...simplistic if you'd ask me.
Please get rid of those big stupid bolts screwing the turrets to the ship, these are ugly, and as far as I can recall, not TEC.
Sorry about the ranty response, but I wish good for this series and luck to those involved. Thank you.