No matter what type of map config I try I can't get past the initial loading screen. It will start to hang on setting up galaxy and either get stuck there or stuck on setting up players. I've tried everything in the FAQ area and searched the forum for Failed to create a vertex buffer as that's the main error I'm seeing in the logs but it hasn't helped.
Intel Core i7-1065G7
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655
Debug Message: Current Time UTC: 03-17-2022 04:14
Debug Message: Version 4.21, Build #10730, last updated on: 03-15-2022 13:53
Debug Message: Product Version
Debug Message: Epic Build
Debug Message: Working Directory: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3
Debug Message: CommandLine: -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=f38f680654a5419d8258d952e200ff3f -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=5f1c66366b2c4a6496d535d88c56e6cf -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="professorDD87" -epicuserid=0062ee6d8c1a409a8efee868a2a22902 -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=3c52fbac843d4375803187739db84801
Debug Message: Initializing DLC status. Online: 0
Debug Message: DLC0_Founders PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC1_MapPack PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC1_5_Registration PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC2_MegaEvents PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC3_Snathi PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC4_PrecursorWorlds PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: EXP1_Mercenaries PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC5_BuildersKit PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC6_RiseoftheTerrans PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC7_LostTreasures PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC8_AltarianProphecy PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: EXP2_Crusade PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC10_MechKit PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: EXP3_Intrigue PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC11_StarControlHeroes PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: EXP4_Retribution PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC12_StarControlVillains PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC14_WorldsInCrisis PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: Finished checking for DLC paths
Debug Message: Personal folder located at C:\Users\Owner\Documents
Debug Message: Personal folder located at C:\Users\Owner\Documents
Debug Message: Initializing data directories
Debug Message: Checking if data bins needs to be rebuilt.
Debug Message: Loading options binary
Debug Message: Initialize Prefs
Debug Message: Checking data binaries
Debug Message: Loading core binary
Debug Message: Core XML has been changed: Yes
Debug Message: Setting core data
Debug Message: Loading particles binary
Debug Message: Setting particle data
Debug Message: Registering types
Debug Message: Setting data for assets
Debug Message: Activation successful.
Debug Message: Checking virtual memory
Debug Message: Initializing event center
Debug Message: Attempting to login using exchange code
Debug Message: Checking for valid working directory
Debug Message: Entering WinMain
Debug Message: ******* Starting Game Shell *******
Debug Message: InitializeResources.
Debug Message: [EOS SDK] Login Complete - User ID: 0062ee6d8c1a409a8efee868a2a22902
Debug Message: [EOS SDK] Connect Login Complete - ProductUserId: 0002b22e6a2c4286af5e627f53054527
Debug Message: Initializing Shell
Debug Message: Initializing Fonts
Debug Message: RegisterFont: Font with file: BankGthd.ttf, face index: 0, size 16 ALREADY registered, ID of -245753110 with same properties will not be registered separately.
Debug Message: Initializing Fonts - complete
Debug Message: Re-Initializing DLC status now that login has completed.
Debug Message: DLC0_Founders Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC1_MapPack Owned: 1 Installed 1 PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC1_5_Registration Owned: 1 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC2_MegaEvents Owned: 1 Installed 1 PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC3_Snathi Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC4_PrecursorWorlds Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: EXP1_Mercenaries Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC5_BuildersKit Owned: 1 Installed 1 PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC6_RiseoftheTerrans Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC7_LostTreasures Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC8_AltarianProphecy Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: EXP2_Crusade Owned: 1 Installed 1 PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC10_MechKit Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: EXP3_Intrigue Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC11_StarControlHeroes Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: EXP4_Retribution Owned: 1 Installed 1 PathExists: 1 Enabled By Default 1
Debug Message: DLC12_StarControlVillains Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: DLC14_WorldsInCrisis Owned: 0 Installed 0 PathExists: 0 Enabled By Default 0
Debug Message: Finished initializing DLC status
Debug Message: Initializing Direct3D
DebugMessage: Particle Engine Created.
Debug Message: Adding DXSAS clean up function
Debug Message: Initializing device
Debug Message: DrawManager InitializeDevice
Debug Message: Creating renderer
Debug Message: Initializing Direct3D 11 Renderer
Debug Message: Creating FBX animation core
Debug Message: Enumerating device settings
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Preferred adapter is 0
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Creating DXGI 1.1 factory
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Enumerating adapters
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: adapter enumerated
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Adapter 0
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Description: Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Vender ID: 0x8086 (32902)
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Device ID: 0x8a52 (35410)
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: SettingsLevel: 3
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Dedicated Video Mem: 134217728 bytes
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Dedicated System Mem: 0 bytes
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Enumerating outputs for adapter 0
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: 33 display modes found for adapter 0, output 0
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: adapter enumerated
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Adapter 1
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Vender ID: 0x1414 (5140)
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Device ID: 0x8c (140)
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: SettingsLevel: 3
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Dedicated Video Mem: 0 bytes
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Dedicated System Mem: 0 bytes
Debug Message: CD3D11RendererSettings::Enumerate: Enumerating outputs for adapter 1
Debug Message: Selected Adapter Description:
Debug Message: Description: Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics
Debug Message: Vender ID: 8086 (32902)
Debug Message: Device ID: 8a52 (35410)
Debug Message: Choosing initial renderer settings
Debug Message: Setting resolution to 1280 x 768
Debug Message: Initializing Renderer APIs
Debug Message: (CD3D11Renderer) Initializing driver
Debug Message: CreateDeviceAndSwapChain
Debug Message: DirectX Feature Level: DirectX 11.0
Debug Message: Device SUPPORTS raw and structured buffers
Debug Message: Initializing 2d screen space effect
Debug Message: Device is now ready
Debug Message: Registering text renderer icons
Debug Message: Creating SDF animation core
Debug Message: Attempting to force low performance settings
Debug Message: FXManager, FXElement size: 720 bytes
Debug Message: Border size reported as 16 by 39
Debug Message: Shell initialization complete
Debug Message: Shell Initialized
Debug Message: CGalCiv3Shell::RequestInitializationState from: Invalid to: Uninitialized
Debug Message: Loading texture atlas 0
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: LOADING TEXTURE ATLAS FILE: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Screens\Atlas\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: SUCCESSFULLY LOADED C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Screens\Atlas\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: Finished loading texture atlas 0
Debug Message: ***** Initializing Game *****
Debug Message: Timer Frequency is 0 989680
Debug Message: CGalCiv3Shell::RequestInitializationState from: Uninitialized to: Initialized
Debug Message: Creating anchor win
Debug Message: Create popup manager
Debug Message: Initializing Sound
Debug Message: Initializing bink
Debug Message: Initializing bink threads
Debug Message: Initializing bink sound
Debug Message: Initializing bink resources
Debug Message: Initializing bink effect
Debug Message: CInfluenceSystem::CInfluenceSystem size_influenceMapActual 5308416 size_influenceMapCache 5308416 size_lastTurnOwningPlayerIndex 1327104 size_prevOwningPlayerIndex 1327104 size_owningPlayerIndex 1327104 size_isSectorChanged 20736 size_numOwnedTiles 480 size_influnceMapAll
Debug Message: Game XML has been changed: Yes
Debug Message: CGalCiv3Shell::RequestInitializationState from: Initialized to: LoadingContinentTextures
Debug Message: Creating initial screens
Debug Message: Create setup screens.
Debug Message: Creating remaining screens
Debug Message: Set mouse
Debug Message: Set update timer
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Starting initialization
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Initialization successful
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Starting encrypted app ticket request
Debug Message: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding TitleWnd
Debug Message: Response: 0|1|0|0
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Starting authentication request
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: LOADING TEXTURE ATLAS FILE: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Gfx\planets\generic_heightmaps\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: SUCCESSFULLY LOADED C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Gfx\planets\generic_heightmaps\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Successfully retrieved authentication response
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Starting profile request
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Successfully retrieved profile response
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Profile response successful (emailValidated: 0, emailUISuppressed: 0)
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Successfully retrieved server identity response
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Server identity response successful (build: 2022-03-15 11:43:33 Developmental, identity:, url:
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: LOADING TEXTURE ATLAS FILE: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Gfx\planets\custom_heightmaps\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: SUCCESSFULLY LOADED C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Gfx\planets\custom_heightmaps\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: LOADING TEXTURE ATLAS FILE: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Gfx\planets\custom_base_heightmaps\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: LoadTextureAtlasIndexFromMem: SUCCESSFULLY LOADED C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GalacticCivilizations3\Gfx\planets\custom_base_heightmaps\Atlas.dxatlas
Debug Message: CInitializationGfxListener::OnLoadContinentsTextureTailA
Debug Message: CInitializationGfxListener::OnLoadContinentsTextureTailB - All continent per-pixel data is now available
Debug Message: CInitializationListener::OnSetContinentsPerPixelDataTail
Debug Message: CGalCiv3Shell::RequestInitializationState from: LoadingContinentTextures to: CreatingContinentData
Debug Message: CInitializationGfxListener::OnCreatingContinentsTail
Debug Message: CInitializationListener::OnSetContinentsDataTailA
Debug Message: CInitializationListener::OnSetContinentsDataTailB
Debug Message: CGalCiv3Shell::RequestInitializationState from: CreatingContinentData to: DoneCreatingContinentData
Debug Message: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding LoadingWnd
Debug Message: STARTUP_STATE CreateMap 6.601367
Debug Message: STARTUP_STATE CreateMapBegin 0.001416
Debug Message: STARTUP_STATE SetupPlayers 0.113254
Debug Message: CreateModifier: modId 3983 lifetime 0 duration -1 modifierObjectID 1
Debug Message: STARTUP_STATE FixupPlayerSlots 0.328159
Debug Message: STARTUP_STATE SetLocalPlayerID ulPlayerID -1
Debug Message: STARTUP_STATE SetLocalPlayerID ulPlayerID 0
Debug Message: Diplomacy State Changed. [PlayerID 9, PlayerID 0, Foreign -> Enemy]
Debug Message: Diplomacy State Changed. [PlayerID 9, PlayerID 3, Foreign -> Enemy]
Debug Message: Diplomacy State Changed. [PlayerID 9, PlayerID 5, Foreign -> Enemy]
Debug Message: Diplomacy State Changed. [PlayerID 9, PlayerID 7, Foreign -> Enemy]
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Attempting to send match report
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Game GUID: 6A98F5CA-B136-4D32-B776-7E6EDF9C5A71
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Local PersonaID: B4810687-8CA4-EC11-80F5-005056AB72CD
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Submitted match report
Debug Message: StartGame 0.000000
Debug Message: Game Started (Quick Start).
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Dreadlord_Claw]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Dreadlord_Tentacle_Extended]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Dreadlord_Tentacle_Long]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Dreadlord_Tentacle_Pinched]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name DreadLord_Tentacle_Pinched]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Monster_Wing_01]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name PeaceKeeperLeg_01]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name PeaceKeerpLeg_02]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Resistance_CargoCylFrame]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Resistance_CargoSpire]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Resistance_MilitaryShield]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Resistance_MilitarySpireSimplified]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Resistance_MilitarySpire]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Resistance_SurveyColumn]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Slyne_EnergyBall]
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Successfully retrieved match report response
Debug Message: TachyonSystem: Successfully sent match report
Debug Message: Map Generation using seed: 3321638009
DebugMessage: TemplateListBoxScrollBarVerticalSBSlider setting size 16 x 0
Debug Message: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding MainGameWnd
Debug Message: InitMapGfx Started...
Debug Message: InitMapGfx finished.
DebugMessage: TemplateListBoxScrollBarVerticalSBSlider setting size 16 x 0
Debug Message: Building tech tree for node: MasterEngineeringTech
Debug Message: Building tech tree for node: MasterColonizationTech
Debug Message: Building tech tree for node: MasterWarfareTech
Debug Message: Building tech tree for node: MasterCommunicationsTech
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name AsteroidBase_Part_04]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name AsteroidBase_Part_05]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name GateCore]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name HypergateModule]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name PrecursorRelic_02]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name Supply_Module]
Debug Message: ShipComponent Created. [ Name TheRelicPart_01]
Debug Message: Send MainMapGfxEventTypeLoadingQueueTail
Debug Message: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding StartUpPopupWnd
Debug Message: OnMainGameWndInitialize Handled
Debug Message: OnLoadingQueueTail 8.884443
Debug Message: OnInitializationComplete 4.005641
Debug Message: OnInitialized 0.002187
Debug Message: SetAITrigger
Debug Message: Started Skirmish
Debug Message: Start AI Process
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\SCREENS\SMALL\GC3_S_Artifact_List_Entry_Down.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\SCREENS\SMALL\GC3_S_Artifact_List_Entry_Down.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\SCREENS\SMALL\GC3_S_Artifact_List_Entry_Down.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\SCREENS\SMALL\GC3_S_Artifact_List_Entry_Down.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\SCREENS\SMALL\GC3_S_Artifact_Charge_Back.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 80 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: CreateTexture failed to create DirectX 11 2D texture. Size: 512 x 512, mips=1
Debug Message: Resource Manager Failed to create unmanaged texture: Planet_Thumb_6772
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 84840 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer failed to get vertex buffer of size: 84840
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer FAILED
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\PLANETGFX\ Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: Star Graphic failed to load surface texture file: gfx/PlanetGfx/
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 1583120 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer failed to get vertex buffer of size: 1583120
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer FAILED
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 1094764 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer failed to get vertex buffer of size: 1094764
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer FAILED
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 1034308 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer failed to get vertex buffer of size: 1034308
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer FAILED
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 288640 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer failed to get vertex buffer of size: 288640
Debug Message: ERROR: CSDFMeshSection::InitializeVertexBuffer FAILED
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 96 flags: 1 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CQuadBatch::FillHardwareGeometryVertexBuffer FAILED to create and fill vertex buffer
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 544000 flags: 3 usage: 0.
Debug Message: WARNING: Quad batch failed to create instance vertex buffer for hardware method
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CD3D11Renderer::CreateTextureFromFile FAILED to create shader resource view from file: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.
Debug Message: CReloadGraphicTask: Failed 10 attempts to load graphic: C:\PROGRAM FILES\EPIC GAMES\GALACTICCIVILIZATIONS3\GFX\ICONS\ARTIFACTS\Artifact_Wormhole.png. Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung. The task will now be terminated.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D11Renderer) Failed to create a vertex buffer ((887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung.): size: 57316 flags: 0 usage: 0.
Debug Message: CReloadGraphicTask: Failed 10 attempts to load graphic: SimplePolyNodeVertexBuffer - Vertex Buffer 7. Error: (887a0005) The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
Reason: Device hung. The task will now be terminated.