Fixed an issue keeping the Onyx Hive from getting Growth from stored Promethion.
Onyx Hive homeworld now starts with a Prometheus Stone.
These are great. I've been having a difficult time playing as the Onyx Hive in my current game because of their low growth rate. I did get some help on my home planet when I used an event to get a Mimot there. That increased my growth a lot, and the new citizens were all Onyx Hive.
Planets can no longer respawn fighters and free defenders while they are under Siege.
Increased the min time to take a Colony from 3 to 4 turns.
Better Siege notifications: The first turn your world is under Siege your turn button will warn you of it and take you there.
The first one is great. The second one is helpful for the defenders and shouldn't hurt the attackers much because of the first one. The third one is great because I miss a lot new sieges the way things are now.