I've been seeing a lot of feedback about how weapons and defenses work, and it seems like many people would like to see more diversity in how different weapons do damage, with less of the "rock/paper/scissors" tactic. this is very tricky because we want them to stay balanced, but it does seem like this is an area that people would really like "spiced up." (we're using dune puns too now, right?) so here's an idea i had of how to diversify our weapons...
basically it's mostly combining the different tactics used by gal civ in the past, with a couple additions...
first, i do kinda like the idea of different ranges a bit. It makes a lot of sense considering that you can fire missiles from far away that they would have a little longer range, beams would be next, and kinetic as closest range because u have to be close to hit your target with a physically propelled projectile while you're both flying around in space. the problem we've seen with this is that missiles will def be the best starting out because they can kill everything before they have a chance to fire their first shot. i think that the way to fix this problem isn't by making the weapons all the same though, I think the way to balance them lies in the defenses...
right now defenses work all the same. i think we should change that.
-Point defense could give a % chance of destroying the missile and negating all the damage (since you guys are really into the RNG right now, i thought you'd like this one
). make the numbers a little higher than current for this though, since it's a % chance. i think there should also be a delay in when you fire missiles and when they hit their target if that's possible.
-Shields could absorb a certain amount of total damage and then be depleted. u know, like in star trek, until u can retreat with pattern epsilon and get the shields back up (it's a star trek thing). maybe have the shields recharge at a slow rate during battle. and by total dmg i mean missile, beam, and kinetic dmg. that's right, i'm suggesting removing the rock/paper/scissors aspect. i know, it's crazy, just bear with me plz though. I'm trying to make the defenses more useful than they have been. people usually never really use them, myself included. they're usually just not worth it for the cost, and in many battles they dont help at all and people dont like to risk that. i think a new defense system would make people use defenses much more and make it much more scientifically accurate too. and this would make shields useful in all battles, like they prob should be.
-Armor could prevent either a base amount or % amount of all dmg types from being inflicted on the ship once the shields are down. it makes sense that the more armor your ship has, the more dmg it can take. this will make armor useful on all ships, like it should be.
even if you dont like the specifics i've listed here, i would like as many ppl as possible to plz comment on this and let everyone know if you like the current rock/paper/scissors weapon style or would like to see something different. feedback is key to all of this, so plz, plz provide some. ty all for your time. live long and prosper.