The YOR can start off a little slow (or fast, depending on nearby planets), but once they get going I think they've got a big snowballing problem and become too good too fast. of all the races i've tried the YOR have the potential to do the best. As long as they have good nearby manufacturing, that +50% manufacturing policy boost is insanely good, esp early on, and even if u cant find durantium to produce citizens faster, their military from that +50% policy will allow you to greatly build up fleets before anyone else. by turn 30 on genius difficulty i've had higher total faction power than the 4 other races i had seen that game, COMBINED. and if I can find durantium, which i've been able to do every game (unlike promethion with the Onyx), then they can end up making a citizen every turn or 2 and it just becomes stupid how fast they can produce citizens, even though it's hard at the beginning. but unlike other races, YOR dont need citizens to make more citizens so u can just unload all of them right away and that gives them a good, big early boost to help cancel out the "no growth" factor and provide them with possibly huge manufacturing boosts very early. Here's a few ideas i had that might help balance them out a bit...
1. Lower the cost of making citizens, but put a cooldown timer on it. maybe even have the citizens take less time to build depending on how many citizens u already have.
- This would give people a reason to keep more than one citizen on their homeworld. They might not breed, but it makes sense that the more YOR you have, the faster you can build more. but getting a citizen every turn or 2 by midgame seems like it's too good, and they should have a cooldown of a few turns on it so that they can focus on world building more, while making it so they can't just take and invade everything too fast if they have good durantium production.
2. Lower the +50% manufacturing boost.
- If citizens cost a little less, then this can be lowered a bit to make it so that the YOR can't build up huge fleets so quickly. since they can ignore pollution, unlike every other race, they are already going to be having a big manufacturing boost from all the manufacturing improvements that add pollution. If they have nearby planets with good manufacturing production, then they are just so much better than the other races that it's not challenging at all.
3. Allow them to be able to use different resources to create different kinds of YOR.
- durantium is needed for lots and lots of things. this would allow players to use durantium for building and ships more if they wanted, while allowing players to feel like they dont have to restart the game if they can't find any nearby durantium. citizens could have different stats depending on what was made to create them too, allowing players to build the types of robots that they want to.