So I started a new 0.70 Terrans game. Gifted level. Just a few things I noticed so far.
1) A lot more star systems. I've been playing with most settings on Abundant so I can more easily encounter things/issues. Well I have too many star systems and too many large and giant worlds. This is a good thing, since when you have a setting on "abundant" that is what you should get. Great. Next game I guess I'll set that to a lower level.
2) Pirates seem to have be nerfed. Previously, If I had a colony near a base it would get attacked or even conquered. Now they just ignore me. This is bad. Pirates should be a real nuisance that you need to address, and if you don't address them, they should grow in number, power and aggressiveness to be a real pain.
3) I'm at least at turn 100 or so and have had not a single Leader incident. No statues, no money, no one bad mouthing me. While I agree it was too much before, you guys really overcompensated. Let's get some Leader incidents going on. We need those. My thieving diplomat isn't stealing money. It's like you didn't simply reduce the occurances some, instead you just seem to have cut them off.
4) Someone mentioned having more command ships. Yes, I agree. Really.
5) I think you reduced the free colony ship from command points frequency too much. Maybe 7 or 8 turns.
6) Population growth speed was reduced far to much. Honestly, I thought it didn't need changing at all. But now? You can barely colonize or build constructors since you will never replenish your population. Especially on your homeworld. Yes I read the post about what you can do and I've been doing them. Still so little pop growth especially on my homeworld. Guys, ya really need to increase it back some. A lot. even. I think if I was playing on a higher level, I would have hardly any colonies at all since the AI always spams more colonies.
7) Still would like to see a larger variety of lost colony ship races. Can't use Festroon and get tired of all the Drengin. How about some lost colony ships of your own species?
8) Still not enough culture points or certain ideology points (e.g, innovation, tradition)