So I've got these four cities in a line yeah? On one end is my Capital Town, then another Town, then a Conclave, then my Fortress... The second Town was built pretty much as close to my cap as possible, when I settled it the territories immediately did the Contiguous merging thingy... it insisted that it had -15% unrest for not being Cont to cap. This sometimes goes away and then comes back. Conclave is connected to second town via Arcane Monolith Outpost, it doesn't have -15% unrest for not being Cont to cap. I settle my Fort, connect it to Conclave with Arcane Monolith again. No unrest for not being Cont to cap, the entire time, my second Town is mostly saying it's not Cont to cap.
Build Temple of Forgetting(-15% unrest factionwide before I even have a lvl 4 Fort? Yes PLS)[EDIT: built Temple in Fort to be clear], Fort is now not Cont to Cap... Conclave is STILL Cont to Cap... Town is still not Cont to Cap... at least Cap isn't freaking out about not being Cont to Cap.
Can someone pls explain?
UPDATE: The Conclave has joined the "Territory Not Contiguous with Capital" Musical Chairs Game my Cities are apparently playing.
I have shared a Screenshot... if someone would be so kind as to explain how to link it here I'll go do that, in the meantime it's the only screenshot I've shared of Fallen Enchantress. Cap is furthest Right and every city has now said "Not Contiguous" at some point in this game, and every city but the one right next to the cap has said "I am Contiguous" while the one next to it was saying the opposite. I have no idea wth is going on.
Here's the Screenshot
And yes, that was mostly copy pasted from the Steam Thread.