Okay I'll add my two cents...
1. Yeah - big thrills - you can draw circles - but so freaking what when you cant tell whats actually inside your circle and what isnt - if youre going to have a hex map - make the boundries hexagonal as well and draw the lines so you can see them - the amount of effort required to determine whats within a constructors sphere and what isnt is ridiculous
I would rather see hex boundries instead of circle as well, Big hexes for sectors, hex area of influence for star base ect.... say 4 tiles away or 5 tiles away in all directions, not just a circle. That would be nice and easy to understand, and cleaner as an interface.
2. The visibility of objects when you scroll in and out is appalling
About the same as it was in Galactic Civilizations III.
3. The Planet markers obscure everything
Agree, but Derek has addressed.
4. The queues - lets make it even harder to reorder
Everything should have a repeat option.
5. Could you put up a few more popups - the 430 each turn isnt quite enough
About the same as Galactic Civilizations III with the exception of all the diplomacy pop-ups (which they are working on).
7. Why does the new research option need to be actioned - why cant we do our ship movements and planet changes before we choose our next tech to research
It would be nice to have this pop last in the order of things, can this be done?
B. Ship Designer
1. Lets take all the fun out of designing and building ships - instead of being able to create ships with multiple parts and test there effectiveness we now have a totally limited set of choices - none of which are interesting - and then we cant upgrade one design to a new one
2. Cannot see any reason why you cant import Gal Civ 3 Designs - the parts are all the same - weak excuse - sounds like some developer is too lazy to do his job
I liked all the different options available for the different modules to place on ships. This process has been simplified to this point as a vast majority of people don't add all the different things to their ships, they want it simple and clean which narrows everything down to weapons and defenses other than cosmetics (for the most part). Because of these changes it makes it difficult to merge existing ships from Galactic Civilizations III into Galactic Civilizations IV. Now if it was just the template and not all the modules, I'm not sure the reasoning on why we can't as it uses the same engine as Galactic Civilizations III. That's a question for the devs.
C. Gameplay
1. Ship battles are boring as can be now
2. Ship upgrades are even more boring - and illogical
3. Surveying could not be any more annoying - no end of repetitive popups and options - what is the point - especially since I cant store Stealth Modules etc - i.e. I can find 597 but still only get to apply 1 - pfft - some massive boasts about getting rid of boring micro management and then you put this in - I dont think you have a clue what is boring micro management and what isnt
Surveying and collecting stealth modules ect... has been a hot topic from time to time on discord and the forums. Why doesn't this just collect so you can use all 597 collected? I agree you should be able to, otherwise why am I still surveying. I should stop after I collect a few different items so I don't waste them. Please let these stack, so I can collect 597 instead of just go to waste.
Basically Gal Civ 4 is abysmal boring waste of time - this is what happens when you let someone who created a popular mod become a game designer
Just as Jon Schafer ruinied Civ Kael is now ruining Gal Civ 4 - he doesnt have the talent or the ability - hes so far out of his depth
Fire the moron and hire someone who has a clue before its too late
Civ 4 - Peak Civ
Gal Civ 2 - Peak Gal Civ
Space Empires 4 - Peak Space Empires
Modern games developers are absolute crap
As others have stated this game is in ALPHA so therefore there are things that need to be corrected and changed prior to release. This is a great list of things you'd like to see changed, which I completely agree with some of your points. Instead of tearing down the designers of the game, lets continue this wonderful discussion to help shape the game into something great. Thanks for your feedback.
Galactic Civilizations II was a great game, too bad it didn't have the scale that Galactic Civilizations III had. If it had the scale of Galactic Civilizations III, I'd still be playing it today. I would agree that at this point it doesn't appear that Galactic Civilizations IV will match the magic that Galactic Civilizations II had, but it's also a different game. Other than being in the same universe (or galaxy) it's different, with different features and options. But yes, I'd like to see a modernized Galactic Civilizations II with bigger maps, more factions, and support to maximize the modern top end computers with 64 cores, and 256 gb of memory
. Unfortunately there is no financial reason for it, so it wouldn't justify the time and effort to attempt to do it.
Thanks Derek and the team for the continued great communication with the fans and picking up on different suggestions. Let's make this game great.