I have absolutely zero to base this on other than a feeling (and having been playing GC since maybe 93 or 94 on OS/2 before big blue screwed the pooch).
My gut feeling is that it won't have tiles at all.
Edit: Okay, let me clarify. It may have internalized "tiles" which might be one distance unit of measurement, but I don't think it'll have tiles in a traditional/conventional sense.
With today's GPUs and CPUs, memory speed and bus transfer rates, disk transfer rates (thank you USB 3.2, NVMe and SSD) 'tiles' are a legacy left over from board gaming. A handful of games have tried true 3d space simulations, but I honestly think in the last couple years we've gotten to the point where we could actually simulate on PCs a game playable multi-thousand body system in 3d. Which calls for something different in terms of navilocation.