The v2.93 opt-in continues to receive updates. Over this month we have added some new graphical improvements. But more excitingly we are in the process of a large rebalancing effort. Some of the changes being planned include some alterations to the Substrate to bring them more in line with overall army balancing.
So keep an eye on the opt-in as we continue to work on it in October.
Publisher Sale
We had our publisher sale this month. Among the games on offer was also Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. We want to welcome our new players who got the game during the sale. Every neophyte is a ne
A good place to go for Ashes is the official discord server. We regularly host community games there and it is where the majority of our active community members hang out.
The Wiki
Work on the wiki rework is ongoing behind the scenes. Most of it has been tidying up what we started with. With the sale now done with and the rebalancing of Ashes in the next patch continuing we are starting to look at wider changes to the wiki.
The most requested updates coming will be for the unit stats. Of course, this is in flux right now so we want to be careful and this will likely be one of the final things we do with the wiki before its official re-launch.
We are also working on some lore background and adding concept art to the wiki. This work should ramp up in October and we hope to have the wiki done with a final pass for unit stats once the in progress patch comes out of opt-in.
Discord Community
The discord community will be receiving a rework along with the rest of our servers this year. There are a few new features that the discord people have added, and we want to make sue of it. Our hope is that after these updates it will make the overall experience easier and more accessible for players wanting to find others and sharing their knowledge, victories, and spectacular losses.