I mean, WHO has 302 colonies, 40+ civilizations and 5,000 starships?) but that means being careful about who goes into what bucket.
Me, lol. Looks like there are several groups of players out there, those like me that like larger more colonies, more ships, really pushing the game limits, and love months of game play to get through one game. Those that hate starting from scratch after they beat one or two factions and want to go on to what's next, or the next best out there.
Then you have those that like the quick short games, small maps few players, limited resources. These people are lucky if the game stretches longer than a few days.
Last you have the middle section, those that like games somewhere in the middle, either many planets resources on smaller maps, or those that like scarce resources on larger maps. These games can stretch out for a few weeks.
I hate the idea of small maps linked together by hyper lanes, but I can understand the reasoning behind it. With that being said though it sounds like DX12 is better at sending this info to the GPU so, if that was in GalCiv3 then maybe we wouldn't even have to look at small maps linked together.
I remember when SimCity 2013 was released. EA, and Maxis was caught looking too one dimensional and that players will only play our game for 30 minutes at a time and won't push the limits. Even with some problems in beta testing they pushed the game out on their target release date with huge disappointment and backlash. They thought they could release and patch later and be just fine. Little that they knew the game was very addicting at earlier stages of the game. Players loved to play the game for hours on end, making the online requirement and limited server space being a huge hurdle. Only to find out that their later game strategies weren't fully worked out, and caused additional problems with bottle-necking the city connections. This ultimately caused EA to put their tale between their legs, hand out free games to many of their customers, which they never recovered. Their expansion was just about DOA. Ultimately killing Maxis.
I personally love that you and your team have big visions for games that really push the limits of what can be done. This is the main reason that brought me to Galactic Civilizations II, when I purchased it at Best Buy back in 2006, and what continued to have me support your companies games throughout the years. I currently purchase 80-90% of your games, not because I love the concepts, but because I love you personally taking time to communicate with your customers, and support your products yourself. Those games that you're not directly working on, you have developed an atmosphere that those people in charge of the game do the same, such as Paul when he was the main person in charge of Galactic Civilizations III. There are several of your companies games I rarely go into, even though I own them. Not because they're not good, but because just don't peak my interest.
In case you're interested, here is a list of the games from Stardock ranked in order from favorite to least favorite. Some of which were co-produced with other companies or the game was supported by Stardock.
1. Galactic Civilizations II - even though I don't play it at all since III came out, I enjoyed it overall slightly better than III.
2. Galactic Civilizations III
3. Sins of a Solar Empire
4. Offworld Trading Company - have lost touch was hoping it was a little different than what it ended up being.
5. Siege of Centauri - Played this a lot in beta testing, but truthfully not much since launch.
6. Sorcerer King - Played this a lot in beta testing, haven't played since. (Really enjoyed being personally asked to be part of the beta testing of this game, and even though it wasn't a game I had interest in playing much I enjoyed working with the team to give them direct feedback.)
7. Ashes of the Singularity - I used to love RTS games, and I do enjoy Sins, this just seems too fast paced. I enjoy taking my time building things up, then picking my attack strategy. This seems more like I need to build as fast as possible. If I don't I'm dead.
8. Star Control Origins - As someone from outside the Star Control universe I guess I was hoping this game was something it's not. This is no fault of the game, mainly in what I thought the game was. When I played it in beta, it felt very repetitive.
I think that covers it for the games that I own, that have been produced in part by your company. I look forward to future games from you and your company.