if people bring such hillarus ideas as DMF ......
and i know it is (sadly) way more broken game things in the game ... but this is one, even fresh players complain at first and so an good start to not shoos new player from the start ...
and -> "Most people have better things to do with their time than be insulted for trying to talk with an insulting and entitled jerk."
yea - i expect - but you likely dont belong to this "most" people, as you talk still here with me ...... ..... ......
sorry to say this - but .. "if" an closed border is possible , then "yes" - i would expect all races that dont like to go fast in war with me (here you are right - it depends on the power relation, if i am to weak i may consider ignore it .. but this make the rule not invalid..) ask me if he like to fly in my space. like i musst doing this - if i get no permission, simply plott a route around space that belongs to other or if this impossible - you cant go to this location, as the other race was faster - who comes first .... without this the whole "border" system make no sense and would be better not here ... but i dont imagine the reaction from "not GC Fans" but strategic games player, if you say, in GC its no borders anymore .. every ship can fly everywear .... a big evolution in strategic gaming [sarcastic]
i dont like the strictly closed border handling from games like stellaris - but it is better as the broken thing we have here ...
And it gives "many" reasons i dont like an even friendly race fly in my space ....
To say it clear, the other come not to make a nice sightseen --- she come to build starbases to get resources that are in my space or colonise planets in my space or simply gater informations where my bases/planets stay -- which "nation" would allow such things ?? - even to friends ..... (that can become in the future enemys ...)
with this in mind i cant find your idea interesting - as it is simply always open borders where make, for me in an strategic game no sense - but i agree the actual "border" from the influence is an bad idea and would even never work as it moves by itself and this should an border between 2 parties NOT (in free space this is a different thing)
but to say it politly ...
the "idea" in an serious strategic game to have no borders at all ................. the GC "community" is the first i come across that even consider this - and i have played many strategic games....