I have thinked it many times ....Would be nice to have scrollable notifications for the last 10 or 50 turns ........ (configurable)
[like many other and much older 4x games ....]
To many info is "wasted" in this game, where is basicaly an turn based game, and so no time pressure ... Examples :
I get an video ... nice to watch ... but why is in the background still processed the turn and i dont see the movement and maybe things i would like to see ?
The same is going for nearly all other things that can happen in the turn-process phase ...
Starbase build screen - game is in background going on and lagg the screen like hell .... this musst not bee ..... (not only the lagging - but the processing of the game Hidden is an no-go ...)
diplomatic screen by meet new race in the turn .... i mostly dont see "where" the meet was performed ... this would be an not unimportant information ... (the other ship is after turn out of range from my sensors and i dont see on the map it anymore .. so i have no info .... in reality i would get an detailed info of the position from the ship on the meeting , the ship self and his known tech and his course after this ... here i musst estimate what have happen, i am only an leader of an star empire .....)
This was only few examples where the "good idea" of parallel processing was an very bad outcome in the end ... from game play side and from "laggines" side ...
[and i have an 12 Core Xeon CPU 3.8Ghz - so the lag is definitle NOT an CPU problem ...... ]