We do plan to support next gen hardware. But we haven't received the next gen kits yet.
Thank you for your response. Planning to support next gen hardware is positive news, and based on your wording I assume that Stardock has not officially had the authorization nor the ability to access/log into the PS5 and Xbox Series Developer Network (web portals) meaning that you (Stardock) do not EVEN have next gen resources (technical documentation, SDKs, TRCs, and updates) yet.
I say this with the utmost professionalism and respect because your response is kind of ambiguous in terms of my specific question from last time regarding whether you (Stardock) currently have access and authorization to log into the actual developer network portal app/site of PS5 and Xbox Series respectively for technical resources, SDKs, TRCs and documentation.
If that’s a “Yes” to having authorization and access to log into both the PS5 and Xbox Series Developer Network portals (website/app) respectively then it means you (Stardock) have the ability to request/place purchase orders for next gen hardware console developer kits in addition to getting up to date technical resources, SDKs, TRCs and documentation.
The reason I’m detailing all of this in precise terms is because a third party recruiter has contacted me unsolicitedly since late January 2021 through now to get me to apply via them for a game developer position focusing on next gen hardware primarily at your company by claiming that Stardock is ready and has been already authorized by Sony and Microsoft specifically for PS5 and Xbox Series respectively in terms of developer login access to technical resources, SDKs, TRCs and documentation.
Again, I wish the best of success to you and everyone at Stardock. To the best of my understanding no one at your company has officially had the authorization by Sony and Microsoft specifically for PS5 and Xbox Series developer login access respectively in terms of technical resources, SDKs, TRCs and documentation.
Let me know if I misunderstood your response and whether my assumption is incorrect as well as once you (Stardock) have the ability to request/place purchase orders for next gen hardware console developer kits in addition to getting up to date technical resources, SDKs, TRCs and documentation.