Mr. Wardell,
I've been a massive fan of windowblinds for almost 2 decades, long before one of my favorite games of all time was released. You may know this one, Demigod. I'm beyond stoked that Demigod 2 is under development. I run (2) 38" high res monitors, i mention this because i will be able to run DG2 next to HL3 at the same time.
Bad jokes aside, owning a design firm leaves little time for gaming. In our industry, the proper gear and tools directly relates to productivity.
Our workstations, servers, field tablets / pcs are simply put: Sick as Fuck sir. Don't take my word for it, see below for a screen of my desktop. I do a lot of screenshare meetings with clients, and they would be far less impressed if the screen was covered in Hugh Hefners finest work and Hugh has done some fine work and im sure we can all agree. However the clients are more impressed with Adni, lightstar, Neone, redneck bro, Dave, Vamp, Az's daily dreams, Vstyler, Aroche, AVbro, tree and so many more. Most people have no idea that windows can look this good.
At our company, all of us work many hours, enough that if i mentioned the number no one here would believe me. Customizing our workstations, from key switches, to dock icons and being able to regularly swap out our windowblinds skin is important to us. We all run windowblinds, cursorfx, fences, windowfx and deskscapes. We all run a dock program, most run stardocks (bad pun), but for now im using winstep xtreme. Groupy is hit or miss with some things so qttabar does what i need it to do.
Having an updated icon packager, is more important now more than ever. I know this may sound goofy, but of course our phones are just as customized. Being able to use icon packs between android / ico / png for windows etc would be great however the current workflow process is tedious. Having granular control of batch processing / recoloring and other customization would be awesome (i know batch processing is available, just limited). Think iconpack studio for android.
And sure, DX got wrecked by our friends at Microsoft, but there is rainmeter for a solid replacement. Im not aware of a good replacement for windowblinds. Sure we can do window themes but thats a bigger PITA than i have time for.
So here's my wishlist:
1. Demigod 2.
2. Offer package purchases on wincustomize (only because its so hard to just buy a couple of skins) and maybe offer a higher tiered subscription to wincustomize or something.
3. Let me know how i can help make sure my grandkids have windowblinds in the future.
4. Easier customization and a noob friendly skin editor.
5. Cross platform - android development 
Anyways, thanks and i hope Windowblinds keeps on keepin on. I'll go back to lurking now.
'Father Jon'