The game will let you know that you don't need to land on every crummy planet if you're landing on a bunch of crummy planets. #1 negative review source has been people landing on thousands of planets and thinking that's the way to make money. SC doesn't have a sand based (silicon) based economy.
I gotta disagree; most of the reason my ship is as badass as I've made it is being able to afford the mods and specials I wanted, and I'd never have bought them if I hadn't gone digging for the really valuable resources.
And sometimes it's the only way to build up a fleet without going broke: either you need to afford more ships or you need to find them.
I mean, okay, yeah, there are some planets that are totally skippable cuz the resources aren't even slightly valuable, but even so...
The real problem is that some of the really valuable stuff is gonna be needed later...and we have no way to know it. And I encountered one quest that needed lead...and it took me six bloody hours to track down the lead I needed.
Six. Bloody. Hours.
Prospecting, trawling for dough, has been a big part of the game for me for multiple reasons.
Option to remove movie subtitles.
Been wanting that since playing the Chapter One beta.
I'd really like a way to buy back quest items--like hyperdrives (**hinthint**)--if we've sold them without realizing they were important.