So I wanted the colony capital's to be able to be relocated and made them destructible and removed the '<Unavailable> True'. I ran into a couple issues. One can be built on the homeworld now which I don't mind and for some reason when I took over a colony from an enemy it was lacking a colony capital and had 0 population
(I guess the AI must of destroyed it for some odd reason? it's the only one I've seen that happen to so far.)
So I'm thinking there must be a file somewhere I'm missing that tells the AI which buildings to build and gives them some kind of value which the colony capital building must not be included since it's auto built. I want to make it a mandatory building with a high value so it gets built first on capital world and if destroyed on other worlds for them to rebuild it.
Anyone know the file that assigns the AI value's to improvements ? I don't see anything like that in ImprovementDefs.xml.
Edit: Well I got them to start building the colony capital but for some reason like 30% or more new colonies they either destroy the colony building or it never get's auto built and they lose all there pop. Probably not going to work. I really like being able to relocate capitals from random positions.