Usually I like to play as the Terrans and play a more diplomatic game. But I though I'd try something else for a change and started a game with the Drengin Empire on a ludicrous size map with galactic conquest as my objective.
Civilizations at the start of the game: Drengin Empire, Terran Alliance, Altarian Resistance, Terran Resistance, Iridium Corporation, Krynn Syndicate, Onyx Hive, Yor Singularity, Iconian Refuge, Slyne, Thalan Contingency, Torian Regime, Arcean Empire, United Earth, Snathi Revenge.
For the most part I avoided antagonizing other civs until after the UP chairbeing was elected. The only exception was a war with the Altarians, thanks to the Assassination mega event. My patience paid off since I was elected leader of the UP, I will so abuse my position in my civ's favor.

Seriously? The Drengin, cannibals and slavers, and the Snathi, killer squirrels, were the top picks?
Do you not have any self-preservation skills?
Embolden by my political victory I declared war on the Terran Resistance, since I knew the location of their colonies. The war was not going in their favor and they were reduced to a handful of worlds. In the mean time the Altarians managed to take one of my unprotected border colonies.
To make matters worse the Iconians received The Artifact and become number 1 in terms of faction power not long after and stayed that way for most of the game.

This will not be pleasant.
Because of the war with the Altarians the Torians decided to attack me to defend their ally.

The Torians were sneaky and moved a fleet into position before declaring war.
While they managed to capture that colony, they did not hold it for long since I had reinforcements nearby.
And before I could conquer the last planets of the Terran Resistance they surrendered to the Terran Alliance and due the fact they did not like me and my warships were near their newly acquired planets they declared war on me.
To take some of the pressure off I sued for peace with the Altarians, after I recaptured my colony and three others they established nearby.
Luckily, for me, the Krynn surrendered their civilization to mine since their war with the Iridium wasn't going so well.

Welcome new slaves!
The Iconians declared war on me, I'm supposed to be warmonger but see how everyone picks on me? I decided to end the war with the Terrans to focus on the Iconians and because they are allied with half the galaxy.
I'm also suspecting the Altarians and Terrans are planning something, call it a hunch.

I don't think those fleets are there to give out holiday gift baskets.

I see what you are up to Terrans!
My enemies will drown in blood, their own or that of my soldiers, it doesn't matter.

The Yor are my only allies.
Shortly afterwards the Yor surrendered all their colonies and ships to me. And due to the sudden increase in power the Torians became worried and surrendered to the Altarians.

The Iconians took the first victory in our war.
They should savor the moment, I have a surprise for them.

What's the surprise? Ships, really big ships.
One by one all civilizations will fall to the might of the Drengin Empire!

4 down, 10 to go.
Their are still many planets to conquer, lots of space to explore.

So many stars.
Civilizations remaining: Drengin Empire, Terran Alliance, Altarian Resistance, Terran Resistance, Iridium Corporation, Krynn Syndicate, Onyx Hive, Yor Singularity, Iconian Refuge, Slyne, Thalan Contingency, Torian Regime, Arcean Empire, United Earth, Snathi Revenge.