I just installed the beta of groupy and activated the 30-day trial via the activation email. However, the software says that the Groupy license has already expired so I cannot see if it works. Is there some trick?
Same story. I am really interested in giving the Beta a great look. But expired key activation trick isn't a great start. Any help would greatly appreciated.
The same issue, right after the installation says: expired already, Stardock needs to send us a fix for it
Add me to the list. Installed, activated, no joy.
works with an active object desktop subscription
Same story here !
Why are you picking trial, you should be entering your objectdesktop serial number via the prompt.
Where did you download the software from?
When you're asked for a product key, please enter your OD serial number from your account or select the option to login with your account and use the same info you do to access the forums. https://store.stardock.com/myaccount/products/
The trial not working is by design atm.
Ok thanks for the info. It' s working now.
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