I'm personally not convinced that TBS is on the way out
Agreed. I mean look at games like Baldurs gate and Pillars of eternity. Everyone thought these games were dead but they have shown that 'projections' or 'trends' dont many anything. Plus you have the added issue of if you make a turn based game you have to compete with all these other titles instead of carving your own path into a new popularity. I do wonder tho why a game like stellaris for example is streamed more then Gal Civ 3. Part of the feeling I get is a game must not only be fun to play, but fun to watch for both new people coming into the game at a random time and veteran players. Its hard gauging this as a long time Gal Civ player, but I wonder if there isnt some kinda barrier happening with new people watching Gal Civ 3 vs other games. The popularity of games these days are directly tied with how many people are watching streams and how many lets plays are being made. Maybe someone better then I can figure out this formula lol.
The only real question will be whether people WANT turn-based strategy games.
Personally I prefer a mix of both. I want turn based when your micromanaging worlds and building an empire. While I like real time (with pausing) with combat.
One of the fondest game experiences I had was with Lords Of Magic (Plz buy this license btw, its pretty much getting stale in some game companies basement

. I actually emailed them like a year ago and they said they have no plans or desires about the IP

!!). It was turned based on the map and then in combat it turned into real time. On reflection I guess that's like Fallen Enchantress

That being said, wouldn't it be possible to have a game that had both options in the menu. For people wanting the Turn Based combat they can choice to micro more and the AI can reflect this. Even if its just the ability to pause whenever you want. While also given the option for some sort of free form RST where you have advanced governors and AI settings for when you want a quick game or multi player game quickly with friends with no pausing allowed.
The issue with doing a game like Gal Civ 3 if it was real time would be the planet system would have be completely simplified in order to make it even possible to manage so many planets. At which point your either not really a empire building game any more your a combat game with planets/citys thrown in. Likewise if it was real time I couldn't sit an enjoy the exploration and building as you wouldn't have time to appreciate anything. It basically comes down to who can memorise strategy's faster and who can out click the other players. The flip side of this experience being something like Red Alert 2 that is a pure RTS game with no thrills base building. While a fun and fantastic game I dont think you could ever get an immersive experience you do with a 4x turn based game. Then again a fantasy version of Red Alert 2 with mage towers instead of tesla towers does sound great

I guess its really down to what kind of game does stardock want to make. That will determine if it should be RST or Turn based. I wouldn't set out into changing how one IP functions just to make it fit with what is popular atm. It would have to be a new IP that can support this kind of change without the ties to its earlier games. And as said before, which I have no suggestions or solutions for, it might help to work out a way to engage with viewing audiences as well as giving viewers the feeling of playing along to even if its just watching.
The next big thing on my plate is all the political stuff. That's what the next major expansion will be about but the main game and Crusade players will benefit as well as balance continues to get more and more interesting.
Cant wait to see what you all come up with. Seen some good ideas over the years for suggestions for these kinda gameplay and if even a fraction if it is introduced it would be great!
Do you guys understand that the engine is state of the art and brand new? As a game developer, it's very exciting.
Ever thought of making a 'Black & White' type RTS game in space where you are the galaxy's Overlord Xenu or indifferent God Azathoth. Over eons spreading your influence, nurturing your 'chosen' few to spread chaos or balance across the universe! Be really cool to subtle control the grand scheme of things. Only being able to indirectly battle the other gods with only a whisper in the ears of your followers or minor miracles, weather they know it or not. Not in direct control of the sentient races but ultimately powerless to oppose you.. With the aim to complete your ultimate goal, utter destruction or the path to 'Ascension', whatever form that may be!