I started a game 1.7 Opt-in 2, saved the game right away and had to leave as I liked my starting position, however, upon returning to the game, I lost my free race specific trait research points. Why?? Thanks
If you are using the Intuitive trait, this has been the case since the trait existed. It was first noticed by those who were using the fow command to pre-inspect their galaxies and then reloading the acceptable ones to actually play. It is acknowledged as a bug. The need to fix a bug for a first move reload situation has not been the highest priority, if it has made the bugfix list at all.
I have intuitive on my custom Vulcans as well. When I start a new game and get a nice planet, I always buy the techs first THEN save.
I know its a bug but you are gonna have to either play without em or restart...
Yes, buy the techs first and then save to avoid this "bug".
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