I am using Windows 7 and WB 7. I have put textures on Windows 7 default theme.
In Windows 8/10 it is no longer possible to put textures on default MS theme. Is this for technical or legal reason?
If it's a technical reason, then maybe this can be solved? If MS says no then not much can be done.
Windows 8.1 theme and Windows 10 theme are not that bad. I would just like the option to put some textures on windowframes, startmenu and taskbar.
I tried the following: I used a Stardock theme (Windows 7 Diamond?) on Windows 10 and put textures on it.
Problem was that Windows 7 Diamond changes color in maximized mode and even if you apply textures this color-change shines thru.
As I remember it, Windows 7 Diamond (included in WB 10) looks great on Windows 10. But I want uniform (light) window-frames, taskbar and startmenu. Not Vista-like window-frames that become dark maximized. Really nice to see those rounded corners on Win 10 though.
I also tried the Svelte theme which handles textures like a champ, but readability/contrast is not as good as stock and it's not optimized for Win 10.
My goal is to achieve something that looks stock MS (Windows 7, 8 or 10) on Windows 10 but with option to add textures. Textures work best on fairly light window-frames.
The easiest way to achieve this (for users) would be if textures on default MS theme was possible in Win 8/10.
(Yes, I am planning for the inevitable move to Win 10 in the coming years)