I can't believe you wrote all that to be honest. There is no chance Ashes will beat the Witcher 3, no chance any RTS could. I have gone through that site and all those awards are just a popularity contest, there won't be an ounce of objectivity in it at all. I don't know anything about Splatoon but if I had to I could pick apart the other two as not being truly innovation or copying and borrowing things from other places if you really wanted to be picky.
Ashes is on the worlds first ever real built-from-the-ground-up DX12 engine, I mean, they have AMD and Nvidia cards working together. I follow PC hardware and that is so cool for me. And whether you like it or not technology does shape games. It is innovation.
As for unit count, as you say Ashes is not even finished yet so it is not fair to compare whether it beats any other RTS out there or not. I am not gonna go into this point by point though.
Anyway, I voted for Ashes as I know nothing about Splatoon, I have no interest in the other two and they don't need any help anyway, and I want to show a little support for a project I like.
As I said, those are just biased (myself included!) popularity contests so I doubt Ashes would win any as it is not out and still relatively unknown.
Anyway, that is all I will put in this thread.