@ForNein, benchmark results? Did someone release those?
Yes, they have been coming out today and with no shortage of controversy. I have no intention of pointing fingers or taking sides and that's not really what I care about at this point.
From what I've seen so far, it appears that my system will likely perform worse using DX12 which should not at all be the case. I was hoping for something a bit more positive than that.
I am limited in my understanding of the technical aspect but it almost seems like the increased output of draw calls by the CPU actually causes the GPU to become saturated with calls to the point where it can't handle or process them as fast as it could if the systems were CPU bound.
An analogy: Lets say you're taking groceries into the house from the car. Taking one bag at a time severely limits how fast you can move groceries. Taking two or three or four even would likely increase your efficiency since you're moving more in the time it would take to move one. If you had to try and take even more though, you'd soon experience difficulty carrying them and eventually not be able to carry them at all. In this scenario, the draw calls are bags of groceries and the person carrying them is the GPU.
Let me know if that did or didn't make any sense.