Yeah it doesn't have to Transform, just look like fully formed Voltron. I don't think it can be done, so I thought I'd throw the challenge out there. Loved Voltron as a kid.

Bloody hell that brings back memories, I had that transformer as a kid back in the 80's. It was a mixture of metal and plastic about 12 to 15 inches high and split in to five different smaller transformers. The head's on the arms were spring loaded so if you pressed a button they would shoot off. In fact i think my mam still has it somewhere stashed in the loft with all my old toys from when i was a child.
I had the original as well. Die-cast metal all the way. I still had it up till our last move. When I found him last one of his wings was broke and one of the leg lions broke off with the leg from Black lion still inside. Can't even find it now. Probably buried in one of the boxes out there somewhere.
well i thought someone already built a transformer of some kind the hardest part would be the colors since i think you can only have 1 color schem and this uses what 4? 5?
I'd literally dig through and do a custom skin just for Voltron if someone could make something that looked like him in the ship designer. I don't care how long it would take or how hard it would be. I'd do it....because Voltron!!!
Quoting Christian_Akacro,
Then I was like... that's not a transformer, that looks like Ventronic! I want to see someone make the giant clown head. Go team Venture!
Go Team Venture!!!
It was done without the colors in GC2. Or something very close to it anyway. Looked good.
I'd like to see that. Be cool if there was a screen shot around the web somewhere.
So the Challenge remains. Can anyone out there form Voltron? You will literally Win The Entire Internet in my eyes Forever IF you can!! Let's Go Voltron Force!!!