Well, not really... but I find myself becoming irritated at my commerce and colony captains. For example, I tell them to go somewhere a long distance, they decide to travel there in a straight line and with much enthusiasm yet they think it is acceptable to end their turn within striking distance of an enemy fleet. Here are some examples:
Scenario 1 (Problem) - I just told my best and brightest captain with 8 movement points to move from point A to point B, with B being a location really far away. They plot an awesome course and then proceed to zip along with 8 movement points. I'm very happy with their decision until I realize THEY END THEIR 8 POINT MOVEMENT PARKED NEXT TO A 2 POINT MOVEMENT PIRATE FLEET (the pirate fleet was within the fog of war when I told them to move from A to B ). I ask myself, "By Precursors, do I need to micromanage all my fleet movements in order to alleviate captain stupidity?!" I wonder, "Best and Brightest, when the pirate fleet showed on your sensors, why didn't you go around or at minimum, at least pause (e.g. stop movement and idle) to ask HQ for orders?"
Scenario 2 (Problem) - The same as above except I told the ship captain several weeks prior to move from A to B. The difference in this scenario is that the journey started out safe but pirates showed up later. The concept is the same; defenseless ships stupidly ending their turn within striking distance of enemy fleets.
Scenario 3 (Acceptable) - Fleet ends their turn with no enemies in sight. However, an enemy fleet outside line of sight with appropriate movement points swoops in and destroys my ships at end of turn. This is completely acceptable and logical as my ship or fleet did not see the enemy fleet.
The Dilemma: in order to keep defenseless ships from moronically moving into the range of pirate fleets, I feel I need to micromanage movement which contradicts the purpose of telling a ship or fleet to plot a long-distance course. Therefore, I propose some kind of check within the pathing logic that pauses movement of friendly ships or fleets when an enemy ship or fleet is found within the line of sight of the friendly ship or fleet.
What do you all think?