I like the GUI. Its functional but could use more options. I do know they are fixing many issues like text clipping and clarification of descriptions. I would rather have minimal and functional UI than super cool shiny one that takes already limited resources.
Just my take on it.
I'm with Larsenex on this one. In fact I hate graphics heavy games that give up other aspects of the game to give you extra visuals. This is my thoughts...
- Game that is relatively easy to pick up and play (which galactic civilizations III is.)
- Game that isn't overboard on graphics and is easy to keep things organized.)
- Game that has good AI so you don't have to play multi-player unless you want.
- AI that will use the full potential of the game.
- Multi-player option, so you can play friends when you want. (Galactic Civilizations II missed this)
- Complex game that can keep you involved for months.
I'm with everyone else to the point is what else do you want? More videos, Movie quality customizable ships, Movie quality CGI for race images, More unique pictures/movies of races for different events, Orbiting planets/moons/comets/stars ?
Most of that wouldn't add much to the game, videos are nice but, I'm playing the game, more unique pictures/movies of different races for different events, also would be nice but doesn't add much to the game. Orbiting space objects, again would be nice, however, what is this to gain? This is a turn based game so everything can't orbit real time would only move slightly on each turn, I don't really see a gain with this...
Would any of that be nice and not take much away from the game, yes to a point, for all those you add in that doesn't add much it may take many things away as the budget that was used for custom races may be spent to make more pictures videos of the Drengin for when they are wiping the floor with their slaves ect....
I like it the way it is... Good Job Stardock!!!