Weak fleshlings beware, the Yor Singularity has arrived!
Beta 3 adds everyone’s favorite synthetic sociopaths, who laugh at the idea of feeding their colonists or worrying about growth rates. Need more population? Just build some new units to augment the Singularity’s physical capabilities. Simple.
Also included in Beta 3 are big-moment cinematics done by our in-house team to mark occasions like your first capital ship launched or first colony founded, and our first pass at combat animations including visible damage states for starships.
We’ve also dropped in unique art for many events, made the UI reflect your empire’s color (GalCiv III is approximately 62% less blue, on balance), added a ton of (perfectly realistic) sound effects to many objects in space, completely overhauled balance, and much more.
Read the full patch notes here: https://forums.galciv3.com/459763

Thanks for helping us beta test Galactic Civilizations III! Please drop us your feedback and bug reports on the Steam forums or official boards, and swing by our weekly livestream (Fridays at 3pm Eastern) to get a sneak peek of the latest build and ask lead designer Paul Boyer your questions.
Happy conquering!