I do not think the general public would agree with this, so make it an option. Some folks want to zip through the AI's turn.
I need to be able to monitor opponent movements. Having the camera follow opponents' movements during their turn is one way to do it. But is it the best way? Sometimes it's easy to lose awareness of where it happened or forget altogether if there are many movements. Perhaps it makes sense for controls to cycle the camera through enemy ships that are visible, have become visible, and have taken action in the last turn (moved, battled, constructed a starbase, fleeted, etc.). Another control to say "Okay I saw this, don't show me that again this turn as I cycle through." That way I don't miss anything, yet I don't have to watch every benign movement.
Also, the beta is currently lacking the ability to see enemy movements not currently in the main view. It does not shift the camera, and you cannot zoom out far enough on a large map to see it all. I look forward to seeing how they have addressed this for beta 2.