I support X-universe, very deep, and, uh, captivating series (I don't even want to know how many hours I sink there). Just steer clear from X-Rebirth, it's far from being reborn, and, I guess, that is the reason "Why no discount yet". I can't say X-R is utter garbage, I've played worse, and I even managed to complete the campaign within 3 days after release with just 2 adjustment of savegame (for Egosoft's games is basically "flawless"
), but it's clearly far from being polished. Consider it to be "Very early alpha access, not Amplitude's way" (since Amplitude's games I've played were quite stable in Alphas). Tried use joystick, returned back to mouse and keyboard as more "convenient" way.
What else... Not much, really, for many years X-series was nearly one and only space "sim" game (more like "simulation of life in space"), so only older games are there: Descent, Freespace, Freelancer, Wing commander... You can find most of them on GoG.
Flight-sims weren't in their gold age either, outside of microsoft stuff, I can barely remember something since Il-2, and it's been like a decade. Bird of Prey from Gaijin are... not for my liking, it's like Call of Duty in world of "fly-games".
Helicopters are nearly died, Janes Longbow series is as old as Comanche, Havoc VS Apache, Hokum VS Commanche aren't new as well. Gunship neither. DCS's games turned into "free to pay" (no misprint, that's intentional), they have "DLCs" with helicopters, but I'm not going to buy them. Their "Black Shark" (when it was standalone game) was good for simulator, but in no way arcadey, so prepare for pain and suffering.
Choplifter is funny game, but it's not sim, it's sidescroller. Still, like it.
Take On Helicopters, from Bohemia (authors of true Operation Flashpoint, later turned ArmA) is not precisely a "sim", but offers nice experience, if you don't mind ugly land textures from up close. Can't vouch for them, since I'm biased - I like their games, and I like TOH too. Flight model changed there (in comparison with ArmA), so it's more "simulatey", but not true sim. Since we don't have anything better, there is simply no choice. Besides - Hinds (yes, I like them, even if DLC, which I usually don't like).
I know you don't like planes, but there is Il-2 on GoG, and, of course, B-17. I highly recommend it to anyone, as I find it quite amusing, with all flaws present.
Sorry, that's all I could remember from top of my head.