Rudy_102! Were have you been! You and Admiral Willy dropped of the map. Without you there weren't enough foreign players. (Canadians don't count, and Gaunathor doesn't either because he's a robot. )
I probably wouldn't fit either - I'm a tank, remember? 
Like I told you before - it's spring time, bears and constructors alike are waking up from slumbers. 
Anyway welcome back.
Thanks, DARCA.
So what you are proposing would turn it into a 3X game .
Nope, we don't: eXplore - eXpand - eXploit - eXtricate. We simply want to extricate ourselves from unwanted element. The difference between this mode and "past-victory" one, is that in the latter you had to manually destroy or somehow lock out your opponents. So, instead of waiting some time to have some fun, you can have fun right from the start! If your inner vegetarian feels bloodthirst (for poor tomatoes blood), you can consider all enemies already being exterminated. So it's free for us to build stuff.
Alas, Banished, while being good example of relatively peaceful game (unless you starting to read cause of death list), is "medieval-themed". I'm kinda tired from medieval. Should GC3 offered me a chance to delegate all-military related issues to team-mate or AI, while concentrating on building/research alone, that would be great.
Don't get me wrong, I like wargames too, and should we have one, dedicated to GC universe, something like Nexus (or better), I'd gladly welcomed it, but as I see GC3, supreme ruler, whose role we assume (direct control (hello, Joe)) shouldn't tell each and every ship what to do. No, I don't need special AI who going to take all combat, but I don't mind peaceful mode for a change. Kinda tired of medieval-themed games. And X Universe too, I mean it's around decade and half, come on!
I will say that if we do are job right, exploration and expansion should be enough of a game to be fun for players who enjoy it. I would be open to a game play mode that supports this, but it is not currently in the design.
You already done job right, at least regarding GC2, and those parts of GC3 I've seen (okay, and those other games you made:)). I have fun (yeah, I remember that button, but I can't help - I'm having fun playing GC3 alpha, what I'm doing wrong?) exploring, expanding, and contemplating. Combat is not that big deal or problem (at least on those difficulties I'm playing, I mean I'm not ParagonRenegade who can play against all hardcore suicidal AIs team, while being blindfolded, put in the water up to his waist, upside down, with dead fish in his mouth), rather being merely a setback.
It could be peaceful DLC.