Is it true he sells fedoras on The Moon now?
starone.. good to see ya.
This thread has become legendary. It's really great seeing you early groundbreakers in the forums. I'm a new guy but have admired and enjoyed your art since joining. Thanks for posting, Hippy.
Hey HG, good to see you too. Seems like old times with (oops, eliminate the old) everyone here.
hehe yeh, went thru a bunch of old threads last night and got a chuckle.. lot of names i've not seen in ages..
Hey Christine! So good to see you
Yeah, I'll second that... and third it for old time sake (oops, eliminate the old) I got quite a few, if not all, of your WBs and IconPackager sets when I first joined up and had to give XP a modicum of respect in the looks department. Although I don't use them as often these days due to using Win 8.1, I still have them saved to a DVD along with many other classic skins [so glad I burned them all off prior to a formatting accident]
In fact, it is so good to see so many of the founding skinners coming back to visit we mere mortals. I'm wondering if a suite [hint, hint] could be in the pipeline to commemorate this most auspicious occasion [hint, hint]
More likely this will be a Douglas MacArthur moment.
Old skinners never die; they just fade away.
Yes, this does start to bring back memories of the good old days. Now to see some of the ones that just up and quit(ie Nighttrain and others).
See reply #177
Hehe, thanks Wizard, missed a page. Glade Craig chimed in.
Oh, you guys are so great. I'm wondering if a suite [hint, hint] could be in the pipeline to commemorate this most auspicious occasion [hint, hint] Well, I'm still muddling my way through a meltdown blind. I think I have ironed out some of the problems (Either that or I'm going to bury it, and if I do you are all invited to the funeral).
Oh, and you actually saved my earlier pieces! I shudder when I think about some of them. You brave, brave soul.
Fuzzy, hope all is well with you.
and Tiggz...
hope IR is OK...
Nice to see some of the originals/oldies dropping back... maybe we should have a WC Veterans Thread where people can check in and say howdy occasionally.....
Possible name suggestions:
Future Past
Never Say Never
This would be one killer project!
Forgot one.......Blame It On Hippy
Yes, I saved to disc just about all the old skins I'd collected. Back in the day I was right into metallic and glass skins, and most of yours fitted the bill so they were must haves... and saved for posterity, nostalgic reasons.
Haha, yep ... in the end the frustrations got too much for me. I wanted DX to be huge, and could see it doing that, but I don't think that's a vision that was shared and after beating my head against a brick wall, I just got sick of seeing rehashed weather and calender widgets and decided enough was enough.Not that I have time to breathe or relax these days!!
Yeah, DX could be so much more. Oh well.....good seeing you _Martin_.
I concur... I loved the idea of DX but I hit so many walls it got frustrating. I wanted my Warehouse theme to be so much more than it was but there were so many things I couldn't do that I wanted to. Thanks to you though I got my cool flickering light.
Hey Martin! Still in York? Family OK?
He lost his glasses and was last seen roaming around in aisle 13 at his local Walmart hoarding cookies and yelling profanities at old ladies
Oh man, you had the cookies picture! I thought that was lost forever after the Great Hard Drive Meltdown of 2003.
The most concise summary of my years at Stardock and beyond is on my LinkedIn profile. I've visited Walmart more than I did in Michigan, but I get those 60% chocolate chips rather than cookies. One layer in a sauce dish makes a great dessert.
I was more a creature of Stardock's old newsgroups and IRC than the forums. In the interest of history, here's ten years of #stardock's stats.
GR's here...time to partay...
gr's here!!! wow. this thread has been great. looking at gr's post of #stardock stats sure brought back memories. lots of names shown there that i had not seen in years.
D'yer think maybe, seeing as how things go brown with age - like leaves and such - that we oughta start calling him Brownreaper?
My friend here on the right turns brown in the autumn, but I assure you that I am green as ever.
So....does the 'hint hint' have any gumption? Just askin'
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